
CBD Oil 5% CBDnewcare 50

Original price was: €29.95.Current price is: €19.95.

5 pure CBD crystals 500 mg CBD
10 ml natural hemp oil

10 ml pipette bottle (about 230 drops)

SKU: 10ml_5pct_CBDOlie Category:


Dosing is different for everyone. We recommend three drops two to three times a day. If your symptoms do not decrease, a higher dose might help you. This is something the person should experience themselves. Keep the drops under the tongue for about 1 minute to get the best result

A natural product
The oil is 100% natural and contains 5%
CBD, also called cannabidiol. By working well with our partners we are proud to offer you one of the purest CBD oils of its kind

Why CBDnewcare?

  • Natural CBD oil (demonstrably)
  • No THC
  • Legal in the Netherlands
  • Free of pesticides, bacteria fungi or other pathogens
  • Package fits in the mailbox so you don’t have to stay home
  • Shipped today
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